Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Theory/Your Thoughts

I have a theory.

They say that kids are getting smarter and smarter as the generations are born. I know why. At the moment of conception there is a chemical that starts to slowly drain the IQ of the mother and transfers it to the baby. I am the poster child of this process.

Sometimes my brain gets a bit foggy and I forget simple things, or I lose my educated skill of being a coherent communicator and I simply don't get my point across.

This being said I encourage you, as a reader of this true but strange story of my life, to please make a comment, ask a question to clarify something I wrote, follow up, scream at me, tell me what you think, call me bad, call me good, tell me I am crazy...I don't care. I love feed back. I have learned that learning makes me a better mom. Period.

I will respond back to your comments in the comment section of these posts so you can check back and others can follow along. For my current readers, I will reply to you as well in the comment section starting now. If you prefer to email me, do so. This blog is not only a great release for me or a walk down memory lane, my purpose is to let others feel the affect of my little angels. I look forward to hearing from you all.


  1. Well Miss Paula, I read them all, and I must say that I laughed, cried, and totally related to so many of your thoughts and feelings. I can't wait for your next entry.
    Consider me a fan for life.

  2. Thank you Paula! I am so glad that you have come to read our story. Now you can understand why I talk about my kids so much. LOL

  3. I've decided that you lose brain cells after children. I used to be the most organized person, now I'm terribly absent minded when it comes to work

  4. Your babies are BEAUTIFUL and your story is AWESOME...I enjoy reading about your journey and look forward to more stories.

  5. Munchikin mom, I believe the process never ends :) I used to be able to do and think about 50 things at once without ever getting confused or lost. Now I find myself staring at my hands and thinking "what was I supposed to do now?" Then realizing I was headed to the potty!!

    Princess s
    Thank you so much. It helps that kids are so cute. I figure God made them cute so that when they puke, pee and throw mud on your new blouse, you are more likely to forgive them than you are to give them away. :)
    I am glad you like the story.

  6. oh my gosh...how true is this!?!??!
    i help with 6th grade math every nite at the dining room table....and i am here to tell you i have to look back in the book often to make sure i am doing it right!!!!! WOW that makes me feel a bit....ummmmm...old...or out of touch!!!! YIKES!!!! but i think you do an awesome job of telling your story....and i love every tiny detail of it!!!!!

  7. One time when I was pregnant I was told that memory is the first thing to go on a pregnant woman. I didn't have that problem with my son, but man oh man, did I ever have baby brain with Madelyn.

    About your request that we ask for clarification... I have to say that you seem quite clear to me. Sure, sure, I'm a sleep deprived mom of a 15 year man-cub and a seven month old daughter who, each in their own ways, keep me from getting all the benefits of sleep. I admit that I may be too tired to misunderstand what you're saying, haha.

  8. Missy, I fear the day when my son starts Kindergarten because I a afraid they may send home homework. I tried to help my niece with some basic math a few months ago and succeeded in just screwing the poor girl up!

    Shan, I was also told that memory goes, but everyone keeps telling me "don't worry, it will return" and now that I have been un-pregnant for almost 2 yrs now, I think they are filling my head with un-truth. :)
