Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Conversations with Kenny

Over the last week or two, I have noticed that my sweet little son has been more and more creative in answering questions or during general conversations. I started to keep track.  Here is a sampling:

ME:  Kenny, want to sing me one of your songs?
KENNY:  I can't
ME:  Why not?
KENNY: It is compli-crated
ME: Try to explain it to me.
KENNY:  You are not enough people, mama.
ME:  How am I not enough people.
KENNY: I can't sing unless I have a audio-ence.
ME:  But you can sing to both Sissy and I, that is two people.
KENNY:  That still isn't good, Mama. 
Then my adorable son shrugged his shoulders in sadness (as if his horribly stupid mother will never get it), sighed and walked away.

I had just returned to the living room after my shower. Felicia was still napping.
ME:  Kenny, did you throw these blankets on the floor?
KENNY:  No. Sissy did it.
ME:  How did Felicia do it? She has been taking a nap all afternoon..
KENNY:  Well she did it when you were in the shower.
ME: Are you lying to me?
KENNY: No. I am a big boy.
Believing I would stump him, I confidently asked,
ME:  How could Sissy come in here and throw the blankets on the floor when she is sleeping?
KENNY:  This is how it happened, Mama
Can you see the shock in my face at that line!
KENNY:  You got in the shower and made a lot of noise and it woke up Sissy.  She crawled through her stripes (I am assuming he means the bars) on her bed and came in here, she pushed me down cause I told her 'no no' and she got on the couch and pushed the blankets on the floor.  She went back to sleep.
I honestly stood there shocked.  My God this kid just told me the most detailed lie I have ever heard come from the mouth of a 4 year old.  Before I started to laugh, I sent him to his room for a time out...then I laughed my ass off!

ME:  Kenny, please stop putting your hand on my boob when you come over to give me a hug!
KENNY:  I have to, Mama.
ME: No.  Put your hand on my shoulder or arm.  Don't just grab my boob when you come to give me a hug or to get my attention.
KENNY: Mama, I have to touch your boob.
ME:  Why?
KENNY:  Cause boobs stick out farther than your shoulder!
ME:  (trying not to laugh) I know baby, but please try!
KENNY: ok.


  1. very funny stories!!!!!!
    boys and the boob thing......i am not sure they even know they are doing it......it is just part of being a male!?!?!?!?!?

  2. That Felicia, what a rascal!!! Bahaha!

    At least Kenny understands that you *have* boobs. Mad points at mine and says, "Ahm?" *sigh*
