Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wiggles and Urges

As of today I have officially been knocked up for 19 weeks.  I have made it to the halfway point of pregnancy and things are getting a lot better.  Well.  Kinda. 

See, next week I will be going off to meet my third Obgyn.  Doctor "Hole in the Head" who I saw at first pissed me off. No one treats me like some fainting flower.

I moved along the line to Doctor "Ice Cold Bitch" who is only walking normal today because my husband was there to stop me from breaking her legs.  This woman actually questioned my love for my baby just because I questioned a procedure she suggested I undergo.  In one conversation that lasted all of 6 minutes she referenced "if you really care about the baby," or "if you want to have a healthy baby"...etc about 9 times.  Then, she had the nerve to ask me why my hands were balled into fists and why there were tears in my eyes as she again accused me of not caring about my unborn child.  That is when I started to spring for her throat.  Jason, being a rather intelligent being for a man, was smart enough to come hug me and at the same time keep me pinned to the edge of the table.  I fought him.  I saw red.  I had the plan all worked out.  Easy, maim the witch and then blame it on hormones.  But alas, I settled for a few choice words that ran along the lines of "No arctic bitch is gonna taint my child by being in the room when said child comes into this world."

So on to Obgyn #3.  Hmm.  We shall see how he treats and reacts to someone like me. 

I am happy to report that the panic and anxiety is fading and this little wonderful angelic creature is dancing like crazy in my tummy.  Cherry Slurpee's seem to be the favorite.  :)  I can't help but relax and grin and just thank my lucky stars every time I am blessed with the flutters and wiggles. We ordered the home Doppler thingie and I listen to that perfect little thump-ity every chance I get.  Even the kids get excited.  Well, Kenny does.  Felicia looks at me like I am giving myself up to be a science experiment every time I pull the thing out and turn it on. 

I won't go into details....I am sure you don't want to know them....but I was worried about the lack of um.."urge" that I seemed to be addicted to during the first two pregnancies.  That "urge," although later than I expected, are more than before.  I am sure you understand.  ;)

Things are otherwise well in our little house. We will be moving to town the middle of February.  It will be good for everyone of us to not be so isolated out here.  The house is bigger and there is no real traffic so I think it will be a good thing.  Besides...I will be closer to those Cherry Slurpee's. 


  1. I like the hormone blaming thing..I'm in menopause...that's a hormone thing, right? LOL...I'm glad you are feeling better, and I'm glad you are moving, even if it is FARTHER away...

  2. Oh, hell no! I'm surprised you made it through the first, "If you really cared about your child" speech. Good luck with your next doctor. There are a few things that I don't especially love about ours (we disagree on stuff like amnios and flu shots), but as long as he doesn't pull that sort of crap, he's fine.

    Happy moving!

  3. would think a female DR would understand how another woman feels at this time in her life!!!!!! congrats on baby and getting to move.....closer to your cherry slurpee's!!!!! :)
